Teaching Resources Link List

The following links to teaching and learning resource websites will give you a first overview about what you can find on the Internet.
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PRIDE Resource Centre - A unique collection containing education policy, planning and development material from the 15 Pacific countries of the Pride-Project.
Pasifika Education Community News - Check out all content on www.tki.org.nz
Wikipedia - A very comprehensive encyclopedia-style website with information about virtually everything. Type in key words and start your search. Wikipedia is an open source project. All information is put in by users worldwide. en.wikipedia.org
BBC Schools - BBC, London, offers text, images and multimedia resources covering many topics. Suitable mostly for English, Science and Social Science. www.bbc.co.uk/schools
The Le@rning Federation - The TLF is an exciting and innovative project that employs emerging technologies to produce world-class online curriculum content to encourage student learning and support teachers in Australian and New Zealand schools. TLF is an initiative of the state, territory and federal governments of Australia and New Zealand. Content covers mainly Science, Math and English. Most objects need special licences and will not be availiable to you. Try the objects in the Teacher's Favorites Section though.
The ThinkQuest Library - It provides innovative learning resources for students of all ages on a wide range of educational topics. Featuring over 6,000 websites, the library is created by students from around the world as part of the competition. library.thinkquest.org
ESL Lounge - A comprehensive resource library for English as a Second Language. www.esl-lounge.com
Links Learning - Audio Stories. www.linkslearning.org/Kids/2_Reading/2_Audio_Stories/index.html
Pasifika Legends - These digital legends are based on traditional stories from the Pacific. They have been selected and retold, in English and Pasifika languages, by New Zealand students. www.tki.org.nz/r/pasifika/digital_legends/dl
Links Learning - Math is the language of symbols. The way we work with numbers tells us a lot about their relationships, patterns, and the ways they change. Math helps us describe both similarities and differences and also helps us think and solve practical problems. In this section, you will find some fun ways to learn about math. You can start out with Estimation of Length, Place Value and Weight and Capacity. If you want something more challenging, take a look at Line Symmetry, Patterns and Tangrams.
multiplication.com - This site contains neat mathematical quizzes.
SchoolScience - Brought to by The Association for Science Education, the schoolscience site is packed with free on-line resources, showing the applications of the science you learn at school.
Molecular Expressions - Welcome to the Molecular Expressions website featuring our acclaimed photo galleries that explore the fascinating world of optical microscopy. We are going where no microscope has gone before by offering one of the Web's largest collections of color photographs taken through an optical microscope (commonly referred to as "photo-micro-graphs"). Visit our Photo Gallery for an introductory selection of images covering just about everything from beer and ice cream to integrated circuits and ceramic superconductors.
The Virtual Courseware Project - The Virtual Courseware Project produces interactive, online simulations for the life science laboratory or for earth science field studies. The activities are designed to enhance an existing curriculum and include online assessments. They can be used by students ranging from middle school, high school, or college classrooms.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program - The best site on earthquakes containing a recent earthquakes map.
NASA - NASA provides resources for kids, students and educators. Explore the solar system and the planet you live on.
National Education Association Resources
Your students might still be enjoying their vacations, but for educators, the beginning of the next school year/semester is just around the corner. NEA editors have compiled a list of our best articles and resources to help you - whether new or veteran - get ready for the next semester.
Read more on National Education Association.
Link | Topic |
Back to School Guide | Educator-tested tips, advice, and resources for a successful start to the school year. |
Students Ruin My Good Lesson Plans | Advice from your fellow educators to a frustrated first-year teacher whose problem student is creating a classroom crisis. |
Teachers Have Backpacks Too! | As you get ready to go back to school, you will need to pack your teacher survival kit. What does that include? Check out what your NEA colleagues but in their backpacks to be prepared for all those unexpected classroom adventures. |
Lessons a La Cart: Teaching Without a Classroom | Floating teachers have to be extremely organized. Learn their secrets to staying efficient and traveling light. |
Best of Works4Me: Back to School | 21 of the best back-to-school-themed teaching tips we've gathered over the years, each one authored a real expert, an educator like you. |
Cool Apps for Your Classroom | Educators from across the nation shared with us some of their favorite iPad and iPhone apps to make learning engaging, interactive and challenging. |
When the Going Gets Tough | An educator's guide to financial stability in tough economic times |
Five Things to Do on the First Day of School | A good first day of school can set the tone for the next 179 -- so let's get it right! |
The Best of Works4Me: Parent-Teacher Conferences | Practical advice on preparing for, and conducting, parent-teacher conferences ' from the real experts: teachers like you. |
Back to School Prep on Pinterest | Looking for good ideas to inspire your teaching and get your semester off to a good start? Check out our slideshow of popular pins and resources. |
Best of Works4Me: Thanksgiving | Works4Me is a weekly e-newsletter, showcasing practical classroom tips written and submitted by the readers themselves. Below are a few of our favorites related to the Thanksgiving holiday. |
Create a Substitute Information File | Give your substitute teacher an edge on what could be a long day in the classroom. |
Stayin' Alive, Part II | Strategies for smooth sailing to Spring break. |
Stayin' Alive | Staying stress free - and surviving the first semester. |
Showcasing Student Work | Ever been blown away by the work of your students? Why not share their amazing projects with a larger audience. |
Use This Not That | Cut classroom costs by substituting these inexpensive items for pricier classroom supplies. |
Hooked on Homework | Engaging students through more meaningful homework |
Advice for New Special Education Teachers | An elementary special ed. teacher tells how he survived the first few months of school. |
The Best of Works4Me: Halloween Activities | Works4Me is a weekly e-newsletter, showcasing practical classroom tips written and submitted by the readers themselves. Here you'll find our favorites on Halloween activities, lesson plans and resources. |
Pinterest: Get Ideas for your Classroom | Pinterest, now famous for being the fastest-growing social media site ever with 31.2 million users after launching just a little over two years ago, is both a great tool for educators and dangerously fun. |
Seven Ways to Talk to Your Students | Veteran educators offer advice on creating a positive learning environment. |
Get Ready for Back to School with our Practical Online Guide | Veteran educators share advice and ideas for starting the school year off right. |
Best of Works4Me: December Holidays | For over 10 years we have been gathering teaching tips and classroom management strategies for our readers. Here we present you with a collection of holiday-themed teaching tips from the real experts, educators like you. |
Finding It for Free | Savvy educators' tips on scoring no-cost classroom resources. |
33 Ways to Start the First Year Off Right | Starting the year off right can make all teh difference. See how a little planning can really pay off! |
30 Questions to Ask During the First Days of School | The questions you should ask now, for smooth sailing in your school later. |
Creating a Professional Image | Creating a professional image is very important for new teachers. Here are eleven time-tested, positive image-making ideas for new teachers. |
Best of Works4Me: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | Before you throw it away, read how your fellow educators across the country are keeping it green, saving money and setting great green examples for students! These tips show you great ways to make amazing use of things you may have tossed away. |
More (and Free) Cool Classroom Apps | Are you looking for fun, creative and engaging apps to use with your students? Educators from across the nation shared with us some of their favorite apps to make learning engaging, interactive and challenging. |
10 Approaches to Better Discipline | 10 classroom discipline approaches that may prove useful to you. |
10 Ideas for Engaging Parents | Educators share their best ideas for communicating and partnering with parents. |
Fighting the Stress of Teaching to the Test | Legislation has raised the stakes for testing, and teachers are feeling more stressed than ever. Research & health experts show that stress can manifest itself in unforeseen ways, and fellow educators offer unique strategies for managing stress. |
Seven Ideas to Make the Most of Your Summer | Summer is the perfect time to renew, refresh, and sow the seeds for the year ahead. Check out these ideas from your colleagues for making this your best summer yet! |
5 Tips for Better Relationships With Your Students | Should teaching be a popularity contest? Probably not. But skilled educators know the value of having good relationships with students. |
Finding Time for Fitness | Use these simple tips to help you eat right, exercise, and find a little me time in your busy day. |
Best of Works4Me: Read Across America | Practical classroom tips written and submitted by our readers who participate in the NEA Read Across America program, an annual reading motivation and awareness event on March 2, the birthday of beloved children's author Dr. Seuss. |
Seven Deadly Sins of School Employees | Your Association attorneys can help you if you avoid these gaffes. |
Help for the First Month of Teaching | To help you survive (and enjoy) the first months of teaching, we have selected links to four types of resources: career file, first-year tips, stress relief, and books. |
Open Letters to the Class of 2025 | Friends of education from across the country are writing letters to the Class of 2025, this year's kindergartners, to share their dreams, wishes, and visions for these five- and six-year-olds. |
Top New Year's Resolutions for Educators | We asked NEA members to share their resolutions for teaching in the New Year. Here are their responses, along with some resources to help keep those promises. |
Using Smartphones in the Classroom | Tired of telling students to put away their phones? A veteran teacher shares tips for using mobile devices as learning tools. |