Traditionally, teaching has focused on what the teacher does rather than on what the learner does. However, recent research into student learning indicates what your students do in order to learn is of the greatest importance.
Following on from this research, educators have developed "learner-centred" or "Student-Centred" pedagogy that has significantly influenced our understanding of university learning and teaching.
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Link | Topic |
Communicate with Students Through Technology | Learn some creative ways to use technology to meet learners' needs. |
Take Your Class Outside | Tiptoe through the tulips with your students - without trampling your curriculum standards. How having class outside can actually improve student behavior! |
Keeping Students Accountable | Tired of excuses? Try these strategies for keeping students accountable for their success. |
Social Media Made Simple | Strategies to help you bring new media into your classroom quickly and effectively. (Plus 10 good sites to use.) |
Teaching students. Assessing. Learning. Teaching again. | - |
The Workplace Matters: Teacher Quality, Retention, and Effectiveness | Strategies to retain more teachers through improvements in workplace conditions, particularly at hard-to-staff schools. |
Professional Community and Professional Development in the Learning-Centered School | Judith Warren Little offers a strategic overview of best practices at the school level in professional development. |
Connecting Students to Standards: Six Questions for Educators | Six questions to guide educators in creating a not just a curriculum, but a school experience that aligns in a practical ways to new test standards. |
Diversity Toolkit: Class and Income | Class and income differences lead to differences in school funding, which results in differences in school quality and, ultimately, in student learning. Consider the main issues and examine the strategies. |
Diversity Toolkit Introduction | NEA resources on how our differences can enrich our schools and everyone. |
Research Spotlight on Parental Involvement in Education | When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.' That's the conclusion of A New Wave of Evidence, a report from SEDL. |
Safe Schools for Everyone: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Students | NEA's commitment to addressing the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered students plus information and resources for educators to create great schools for every child. |
Diversity Toolkit: Race and Ethnicity | Teaching about race and racism in the United States is a complex and emotional process. |
Diversity Toolkit: Social Justice | Social justice refers to a concept in which equity or justice is achieved in every aspect of society rather than in only some aspects or for some people. The main issues are explored and strategies are presented. |
Diversity Toolkit: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity | GLBT individuals still face discrimination and intolerance based on pervasive stereotypes and myths about GLBT people. To address GLBT issues effectively, review the main issues and consider taking one or more of the following strategies. |
Diversity Toolkit: Gender | Disparities exist between boys and girls in achievement and graduation. Stereotypes and bias may inform how boys and girls are taught. Explore the main issues and examine the strategies. |
Diversity Toolkit: English Language Learners (ELLs) | Achievement gaps between ELLs and non-ELL students are deeply rooted, pervasive, complex, and challenging for educators. Consider the main issues and review the strategies that could close the gaps. |
Diversity Toolkit: Cultural Competence for Educators | Cultural competence is the ability to successfully teach students who come from a culture or cultures other than our own. Examine the main issues and consider the strategies. |
NEA Foundation Courses Helping Educators Become School Leaders | Building leadership, teacher-led professional growth, and laying the groundwork for transformative and positive union-district collaboration are critical components for a successful school district. |
2011 C.A.R.E. Guide: Strategies for Closing the Achievement Gaps | The 2011 C.A.R.E. Guide provides research and practice tips to help educators improve the learning experiences of culturally diverse students and students from low-income families. |
Service Learning Resources | Our Service Learning Resources can help your students become civic superstars. |
Cure Winter Doldrums with In-Class Exercise | The initial burst of energy following the winter break has run its course, and your students are feeling somewhat…unfocused. How to snap them out of it and regain that learning momentum? Try exercise. |
2010 Kids Count Special Report: Early Warning! Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters | Strategies that can help curb high school dropout rates, increase the number of students graduating from college, and prepare them to compete in an ever-evolving global economy. |
Second Hand Secrets | A strategy to help children and young adults develop an understanding of the health risks associated with second hand smoke. |
Partnership Calls on Congress to Help Prevent Bullying | July 2007 - NEA is among nearly 30 leading education, health, civil rights, law enforcement, youth development, and other groups calling on Congress to take action to prevent bullying and harassment in schools. |
Live, Online Professional Development for NEA Members | NEA Member Benefits and Tutor.com join forces to provide live, online professional development to NEA Members. Teachers will have unlimited access to experienced coaches in a private online environment that includes text-chat and VOIP. |
Corwin - Professional Learning Resources | NEA Members Save 25% on Corwin's vast library of titles. Take advantage of the extensive breadth of Corwin's publishing program, with resources on everything from the Common Core, 21st century learning, and classroom management to fundamentals. |
Research Spotlight on Teaching and Learning | The research also shows that three keys to best practice are cultural competency, accomplished teaching, and addressing the demographic changes in the United States. |
Research Spotlight on Best Practices in Education | Discover what the latest research says about your profession. Periodically NEA highlights professional research on one educational topic. Here you'll find a brief article on the research, with links to related materials. |
6 Steps to Successful Co-Teaching | Six steps very helpful steps to prepare you for a sucessful co-teaching experience. |
Research Spotlight on Single-Gender Education | If you walked into the average public school classroom in the United States, you'd find an equal number of boys and girls. But some experts suggest it may be time for a change |
Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education | Most schools in the United States operate on the 10-month calendar that was established when America was still an agrarian country. But times have changed and many people propose doing away with this outdated system and moving to year-round education. |
Modeling Positive Behavior in the Classroom | Modeling positive behavior helps create a positive environment where students feel safe and cared for and where they can develop behavioral skills. |
Research Spotlight on Community Schools | The community school model allows schools to become centers of the community, where they're open to everyone - all day, every day, evenings, and weekends. |
The Arts Are Essential | Arts programs are frequently the first to be cut when school budgets are tightened. Preserve them by integrating them across the curriculum. |
NEA Academy | The Nea Academy offers the best in online continuing education and Master's degrees that will fit your budget, your schedule, and your life. |
Diversity Toolkit | This online toolkit provides an introduction to the multiple facets of diversity. It offers basic information, a short list of strategies and tools, and suggestions for how to find out more. |
Research Spotlight on Response to Intervention | RTI is a tiered approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. |
Ensuring Safe Schools for All Students | NEA Human and Civil Rights' "Safe Zone" poster shows students that their schools are taking a stand against racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, religious bias, and other forms of bias and discrimination. |
An Interview with Kevin Jennings, Founder of GLSEN | An interview with Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) |
Graphic Organizer for Pre-Reading | Graphic Organizers preteach the main concepts and terms in a text providing students with a mental framework on which to build new knowledge. |
Directed Reading - Thinking Activity | DR-TA encourages students to make predictions while they are reading and make new predictions about what they will read next. |
DRA (Directed Reading Activity) | A strategy that provides students with instructional support before, during, and after reading. |
Concept Cards | Concept cards help students learn vocabulary words, their connotations, and how to use those words in original sentences. |
Research Spotlight on Peer Tutoring | Peer tutoring is a term that's been used to describe a wide array of tutoring arrangements, but most of the research on its success refers to students working in pairs to help one another learn material or practice an academic task. |
Jigsaw Sentences | Jigsaw Sentences is a strategy that encourages students to form complete sentences by piecing together segments of sentences that are written on pieces of paper. |
8 Challenges for the New School Year | Eight of the biggest challenges you'll face in the new school year and a few strategies on meeting them. |
Teaching Speaking is a Core Skill | Why paying more attention to teaching speaking pays off for students in the classroom - and in life. |
Improve Student Achievement in Science | The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) conducts reviews of research on interventions designed to improve the science achievement of K-12 students. |
Formatting Text for Readability | Struggling readers can handle more challenging texts when they have been formatted to improve readability. Support their effort and success by making judicious choices about the formatting of reading material from electronic sources |
Research Spotlight on Universal Design for Learning | Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for designing educational environments that enable all learners to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. |
Word Webs | Students create graphic organizers teach students to see how new concepts or new vocabulary words can be defined and related to other concepts and other new words. |
Word-a-Likes | A strategy that helps young readers develop phonemic awareness. |
Using Text Structure | Teaching students to recognize common text structures found in expository texts can help students monitor their comprehension. |
A Story Road Map | A strategy that encourages young readers to identify main events, recognize sequence, and visualize events in a story. |
The Sound Burglar | A strategy that helps young readers develop phonemic awareness. |
K-W-L (Know, Want to Know, Learned) | K-W-L (Know, Want to Know, Learned) is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a text and help them monitor their comprehension. |
Teaching Despite the Test | Don't let standardized tests drain the life out of your teaching. Check out these tips for getting the creativity back in the classroom. |
Research Spotlight on Recruiting & Retaining a Highly Qualified, Diverse Teaching Workforce | Some sources estimate that 50 percent of the teachers currently in our classrooms will either retire or leave the profession over the next five to seven years. The statistics for teacher turnover among new teachers are startling. |
Research Spotlight on Recruitment and Retention | Research on America's pending shortage of teachers has found that retaining teachers is a major factor. And whether a teacher remains in the profession is dictated by what happens at the school site. |
Research Spotlight on Project-Based Learning | Project-Based Learning (PBL) shifts classroom activity away from teacher-centered instruction and emphasizes student-centered projects where the teacher can build relationships with students by acting as their coach, facilitator, and co-learner. |
Research Spotlight on Out-of-Field Teaching | Teachers teaching subjects for which they have little education or training continues to be an important issue in our public schools. The data show that each year some out-of-field teaching takes place in more than half of secondary schools. |
Research Spotlight on Homework | Some researchers are urging schools to take a fresh look at homework and its potential for improving student performance. The key, they say, is to take into account grade-specific and developmental factors when determining the amount and kind of homework. |
Research Spotlight on Home Visits | Home visitations by teachers get parents involved in their child's education, and they let parents and children know how much teachers care. |
Research Spotlight on Hard-to-Staff Schools | Hard-to-staff schools have difficulty finding and retaining qualified, effective teachers and, as a consequence, have difficulty maintaining stability and developing a strong organizational culture that supports learning. |
Research Spotlight on Academic Ability Grouping | The practice of grouping children together according to their talents in the classroom sounds harmless enough at the elementary school level, but in secondary schools the stratification becomes potentially harmful. |
Research Spotlight on E-Learning for Educators | Very little qualitative or quantitative research is available on the impact of e-learning on adults. So, it's difficult to know what effect e-learning is having on teachers' professional growth. |
Research Spotlight on Cooperative Learning | Cooperative learning can result in higher achievement than other learning styles. Since students work through an assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it, this teaching strategy creates an atmosphere of achievement. |
Research Spotlight on Block Scheduling | Schools throughout the United States are adopting block or modular scheduling in dramatically increasing numbers. In contrast with the traditional schedule, a block schedule consists of three or four longer periods of daily instruction. |
Research Spotlight on Alternative Routes To Teacher Certification | Alternative pathways to teacher certification must be equal in rigor to traditional programs and every teacher candidate must meet identical standards and measures in order to receive a professional teaching license in a given state. |
NEA Academy Course Widget | Give your web visitors instant access to NEA Academy continuing education courses and university programs based on the latest trends and our newest learning opportunities. |
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices | Find 28 half-hour and 2 one-hour video programs showing effective instruction and assessment strategies in the foreign language classroom. The collection provides an overview standards and new assessment practices. |
Summer Workation | Let your summer job work for YOU! Summer Workation helps teachers find, assess and secure high-profile summer jobs and growth opportunities. |
An Educator's Guide to the “Four Cs' | Four specific skills are most important for preparing students to succeed in the 21st Century: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. NEA developed this guide to help K-12 educators incorporate these ideas into their instruction. |
Turn Them Loose - Let Them Teach | This article is the fourth of a four-part series in which Marya Tyler discusses original drug prevention activities that connect with students, are research based, and can be adapted for use at any grade level. |
Call In the Reinforcements | This article is the third of a four-part series in which Marya Tyler discusses original drug prevention activities that connect with students, are research based, and can be adapted for use at any grade level. |
Dealing with Boredom As an Excuse | This article is the first of a four-part series in which Marya Tyler discusses original drug prevention activities that connect with students, are research based, and can be adapted for use at any grade level. |
Common Core Challenge | What is the best way to implement the Common core? Watch and learn from teachers who have already started. Then collaborate with other teachers like you. We have partnered with organizations that can help you succeed. |
Getting Kids To Read Over the Summer | Summer sizzles when you add the excitement of a good book! But if kids take a vacation from reading, skills may fizzle over the break. |
Resources for Addressing Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Your Classroom | Recommended books, websites and other resources help you learn about multicultural and diversity issues. |
Stretch Their Vocabularies | A strong vocabulary impacts every part of a child's school experience, including writing, speaking, reading in the content areas, comprehension, and standardized tests. |
Use Specific Language for Feedback and Praise | Teachers should give students positive, specific feedback on the effort they've made and what they've accomplished. |